Feelings are powerful but fickle. They can send us into the stratosphere, or land us on the curb outside the hospital. ;-) They can teach us, but they can't lead us. What can? Commitment. Living fearlessly and with intention puts commitment at the forefront of your life. What are you committed to? Are you committed to a person, or to a job, or to something larger? Are you committed to a way of life? An attitude? A way of being? You must be committed if you want to love fearlessly. Committed to staying true to yourself. Committed to accepting yourself as is. Committed to satnding up for what you believe in. Committed to expressing your essential nature so that all of you comes shining through. And once you have found that person and made the choice to love, you must stay committed to the relationship... Being committed doesn't mean you can't end a relationship if it becomes unsalvageable or abusive. You can and should end any relationship that might harm you. Commitment is n...
LOVE IS MORE THAN A FEELING. Often times we are completely controlled by our feelings. We could not identify them, couldn't process them,couldn't distinguish between drama and passion, desire and loneliness, love and fear. It is all just a throbbing mess, so it must be love... In our culture, love is suppose to make a mess of us. It comes with a built-in excuse for acting out every passing feeling, no matter how far-fetched or fear-based it may be. We can't help it, the theory goes, because when we're in love we " go out of our heads:--and w/o a head, all we've got is feelings. We expect to be swept away and to lose control. In fact, we welcome all the confusion. We interpret being out of control as the litmus test of true love, the sign that we've got the real thing... There's nothing in this world that equals the rush of falling in love, that's for sure. Yet when our desire for love is driven by fear, our feelings of worthlessness or being unlovab...